Yes I have been very busy, ever since I had a mount everest of work I had to deal with, however, with a pickaxe in hand, some very patient and now white haired or otherwise bald teachers and friends, I have managed to whittle down the very annoying mountain to what is now 6 books.
Once those books are done, woo hoo! Once they're done what intend to do would be to finally play three to four video games I have been putting off the entire year. I'm simply going to lock myself in my room with enough rations to last about five days and conquer the gigabytes out of every globe which has so far escaped me because of work. Then, well, the more important things I haven't thought yet.
However, what's going on right now? At the moment, I still have six books to complete, one more book of Health and five more of Essentials of Communications. Then violin grade eight, I still don't know half the scales. (scales is something like algebra for music/for the uninitiated) Also, I'm currently half of the dynamic team thats heading this years school play.
This years school play is admittedly more challenging then most to make interesting, however, if we have all the actors backing, its a shoo in. Its not just a shoo in. Its more like a one eye close, nine toes tied behind your back free throw from the centre line into the hoop without a sound shoo in.
So hang in there! Six more books! Then the blogging shall begin. Ooh, I think I miss blogging. Maybe I'll tag myself.