Monday, December 22, 2008

New Years.

New years are dates that are momentous, wonderful days, mostly because of the word "new". It is marked by fire works, parties and kisses. Playstation parties and Pizza; cybercafe marathons and movies. Why? Because its the celebration to remember all that is good in the old year and to look forward to what is to come in the new year. 

Picking this date, the first of january, would be a tradition for most procrastinators, as most procrastinators often need a large celebration or event in order to give them a boost to change their ways. I am a huge procrastinator.

Now all of this is good and fine, except that, being a through and true procrastinator, I normally end up going back to my old ways of fine living and dining. 

Perhaps the secret is in not having New year's resolutions but instead, acting on resolutions before the year is up. 

So, as for this new year. I shall not have any new year's resolutions. And if people were to ask me for the sake of their pleasure what my new year's resolutions are; I shall merely make up a few entertaining ones for the company's enjoyment. 

After all, new year doesn't make people new, it just makes them older. So might as well get to the stuff I need to do right away. 


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