The night started off in a blur of suits and tie's thrown in with some guys who thought it would be cooler for them to strut in with their shorts and T-shirts. The ladies were running about checking their hair and this and that. Mostly crowding around the receptacles of feminine beauty, shermayne and del. I was trying to retain my veneer of coolness and imperturbability by slouching around in a shirt and shorts. When questioned about the skit, my first reply would be... "no worries" when in truth my brain would be...OHMYGOSHYOUWANNAASKMEABOUTTHEBUTTOCKSKITIRIPYOUREYEBALLSOUT
"No worries." Haha, that was a good one.
Finally, when it when the appointed time showed up to be announced, I made a quick slip behind and suited up in my big boy suit. Stepped out dapper and debonair with lady in arm as well. Forget the slouch, forget the usual false drawl trying to mask nervousness, I was Wong, Joseph Wong. Perfect english, perfect posture and perfect manners. Gosh, I was nervous.
Then, the time rolled about the for the awards night to begin.
Part 2 tomorrow!
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