Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Who God is to Me

Correct grammar for the title? No? Die you grammar nazi. Fall to the earth and die.

We were all in camp, sitting in a circle around our cell group leader David. Rose asked these questions from the stage:who is God to you and who are you to God. "hmm", I thought, sounded simple enough. GOD IS THE ALMIGHTY!! THE ALPHA AND OMEGA!! THE DUDE WHO MAKES EARTH SEEM LIKE A GOLF BALL!

Then dear ol David had to say,"no text book answers."

What was I supposed to say?

I was sitting half way around the circle, which meant that I was geographically safe in either direction they chose to proceed. Strategically, that gave me a good time to think; or, get my answer nailed by all the other guys in my circle. I was mostly wondering about, who is God to me? I couldn't say my best friend, or my comforter, or the guy who makes earth seem like a golf ball because they were all text book answers.

I began thinking about the camp. What I was doing. I was mostly walking around by myself fore the most part of the camp. Quiet and all. I started thinking about people. Admit it, we have to impress them to gain their respect or friendship or whatever. We've got to be great at something like talking, having great looks, being funny, kicking around a hollow ball, playing a musical instrument, Dota or Csing to get their respect. If we aren't. Well, that pretty much leaves us as the past tense of a certain verb that shares the noun screw.

Then I realised that I didn't have to impress God. What's there to impress? After all, He was the guy who bled and died because of me jerking around. He doesn't need to be impressed by me because He loves me so much.

Imagine if He needed to be impressed, all the losers in the world would be packed up and sent in a screaming chariot right down to hell. That means all of us by the way, considering we we're all born sinful.

I thank Him so much for dying for me. I thank Him for writing a huge love letter to me. I thank Him for constantly knocking at my heart to have a chat with Him. But most of all, I thank Him for not having to be impressed by me.

For the record, Josh's answer was the best. He put together all the text book answers.

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