Sunday, January 27, 2008


Ha ha. My ploy seems to have worked. In bid to ifnd out who are truly my friends and who actually curiousity viewers, or people who view out of curiosity. I devused the ingeniuos scheme to not blog for about a month in order to see who are the truly loyal.

To the loyal. Step up dear followers. We live in a time of greatness. Why? Greatness is not given. No. Greatness is built. Upon our combined shoulders we shall give birth to a massive empire of whateverness built upon the will of our blood and spiced by the salt of our tears. Step forth together with me and read on!

To the idiots who don't come to my blog anymore. WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? Why did you give up all hope that i shall not blog again. Behold! I have returned and you have been found wanting. WHAT DO YOU WANT ANYWAY! Do you really want me to lay my life before you as a scroll etched with my continous heart burning moments? Save yourselves!

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