Thursday, December 31, 2009

HMS Resolute

  I fear resolution. I've in fact given it a better name, the HMS Resolute. I fear resolutions so much i've given them the name of a fearsome empire ship of the line. The reason I fear HMS Resolute is that if I do not keep my new year's resolutions, her majesty's ship with its rows of high calibre guns blasts my integrity and projected self-worth into nothingness. Splintering and sinking the dinghy of my soul into Davy Jones putrid locker.

Thing about resolutions is that they are problematically hard to keep.

I love new years resolutions though they may frighten me. On the last day of every new year, I can't help but to wonder about how I would be like on the same day, the same time only a year later. What would I be? An image plays about, formated like the beginning of Sims 3 where I get to choose muscle build, talents and all manner of things that would otherwise take about a decade to develop in real life. However, how marvelous to imagine! It's as if the beginning of Sims 3 is right on that piece of paper, with whatever I want to write on it happening to me next year. Therefore, I write resolutions.

Soon, I have for myself, a mouth wateringly grecian god like build, the ability to play any instrument like Mozart and Hendrix's monster child and the ability to woo even Jessica Alba from John Mayer's grubby hands.

Of course I completely forget that these things take discipline and a whole array of other character traits in order to bring them to pass.

Deceivingly simple these stealthy phrases of moralities are bouncing about in our head. Without another thought they flow from mind to arm to finger. To pen then to paper. There we have it, another resolution, written on a paper, a deceptive phrase promising all kinds of good things. Such as the ability to acquire a mate at a quickened pace, or to be able to become a artisan of such talent. 

But simply such things do not simply happened at the speed of pen, they happen over a period of many months, day in day out of constant patience, practice, study and discipline. I might as well have replaced practice, study and discipline with all manner of more un-luxuriously vulgar language. There they are, the cannons of HMS Resolute, volleying their vulgarities at my noble moralities. It can be tiring. 

 But, the human spirit is made of something a lot tougher than mere skin and bones, it is made of indestructible spirit. After all, your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see. Perhaps, then, my fortress will stand in the face of HMS Resolute and her hated guns. 

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