Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ninjas, There's a new Sherrif in Town


In fact, the new blog was so big that they actually had a gargantuan academy award-esque unveiling for it! And it was visited by a ton of select A-list Celebrities. Now come on guys, if Hugh Laurie actually cut back the production of House just to be attend the global unveiling of the blog "World Flies" shouldn't you check it out!? Let me answer for you. Of course. Now just to prove that there was actually a huge celebration for the opening of the blog, here are some pictures!

Here's Hugh. Thought I was kidding didja? Well, no. I wasn't we actually started chatting, seems his dad was actually a real doctor. He also told me he was kinda excited about checking out the our new blog and was also ecstatic when he heard that Me, Jowee and Daryl invited him to the unveiling of our blog. And yes, he arrived on a Triumph motorcyle. 

Titanic boy actually gate crashed without an invite. He got lucky, GiGi actually waved him in on seeing him. 

As night closed on, the countdown begun. Then, there was this giant computer screen infront of the plush, luxurious theater full of starlets! Daryl, Me and Jowee together clasped this giant mouse and slid its cursor over the Link to the blog that appeared on Google. There was this distinct, elegant silence that came over the crowd. And then, the page loaded and behold!! 

Jack Black's reaction when we clicked on the link. He actually kind of a shy fellow but Jowee had her camera around so we got him at that perfect moment. 

No kidding, Obama's wife nearly cried. But ever the gentleman, Obie was over there with her. I'm actually not surprised that she cried, Daryl himself was sobbing like little girl when the unveiled blog reached the world wide web for the first time on that huge screen. All the A-listers and society's greatest overcome by awe were blinking back tears at the beauty and genius of it all. 

After that; was champagne all around plus fire works by the harbour. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Word Flies

Viva la Flies!

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